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International Automotive Technicians Network
1988 Chevrolet Caprice, N/A Misc
Posted to the Waveform Library on 2/20/2000

I know that one is hard to read, the columns go 1-9 left, then 10-18 middle, then 19-27 right. S means serviced, which means if it's a part it was replaced. See the top 2 on the right, that is O2 sensor, and MAP sensor. They had never been touched.


car Vehicle Data

1988 Chevrolet Caprice 5.0L

Engine5.0 L / 8 cyl
SubsystemNot Applicable
ConditionKnown Bad

car Vehicle Data

1988 Chevrolet Caprice 5.0L

Engine5.0 L / 8 cyl
SubsystemNot Applicable
ConditionKnown Bad