Posted to Shop Management Forum on 2/13/2014
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This post was inspired by an article I read this morning in
AutoInc -- " The Secrets of Great Customer Sales and
Service" by Danny Sanchez. I found it to be an excellent
article and I highly recommend it. Here's a small excerpt:
"The secret to maintaining a level of energy that is
large enough to handle situations like this and still pick
up the phone with a cheerful smile is: Passion. Without
passion, your business is just another storefront exchanging
goods and services for cash - not a highly respected and
widely referred business with lots of loyal, raving
There are those who play down or altogether dismiss passion
as an important component of success. Perhaps one can be
successful w/out passion, but it seems to me that passion
(at some level) is a distinguishing factor. It is, or can
be, that 'one thing' that sets you ahead of the competition.
There are lots of places that work on cars, even lots of
places that actually fix them. So skill, expertise, and
competency alone aren't enough. Don't misunderstand me,
they're important, very important; not being skilled and
competent is a path to failure, BUT consumers/customers
EXPECT AS A BASELINE that you're skilled and competent at
what you do, so being such is not "special." What IS
special, however, is a person who cares, a person who is
empathetic, a person who has a genuine, passionate, interest
in serving and helping others.
Do those who are responsible for interacting with the
public, who serve as your "ambassadors" to your business,
have such passion? If so, is it evident in their
interactions? If not, why not?
Is passion for them something that is waiting to be
discovered or tapped into so to speak, or is it not part of
their mindset or personality?
Have their experiences in business and/or in life been such
that they have glass-half-empty attitudes, that their
approach to people is one of suspicion and skepticism, a
kind of, "I gotta get them before they get me" mindset? If
so, can they learn to 'adjust' to a more optimistic mindset?
The various sales/service techniques and methods I (and
others) have espoused here in this forum over the years (and
in other places too) are best understood and applied by
those who are 'people-persons' -- That is to say,
individuals who like people, who have a sincere interest
(passion) to serve people, and who have an optimistic
mindset. Consequently, these same techniques and methods
tend to be misunderstood or out-and-out rejected by those
who are not people persons, who do not have a passion for
serving others, and who have a pessimistic mindset.
Just some thoughts on a Thursday morning.
Mark Hambaum Educator/Instructor/Consultant MDH Automotive Services Richville, Michigan, USA
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