Electrical connections again - The inspection
Posted to HD/Fleet Forum on 5/1/2013
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Dean was kind enough to send me his wiring connection from
the post here: http://members.iatn.net/forums/read/msg.aspx?f=forum18&m=78984&fv=4&ar=708
I inspected it, sourced some solder seal connectors did a
regular solder joint and did some comparisons with pictures.
Here are the results.
At first glance it looks like the joint Dean did looks to be
ok. Looking closer shows some serious flaws in the solder
joint. A good solder joint will be shiny after completion,
the solder will have flowed freely through the strands of
wire and filled in the gaps. The solder seal connection left
a dull appearance with lumps and poor flow. Very
characteristic of a cold joint where the solder was hot
enough but the surface was not hot enough for adhesion and
flow. [Comparison] Any tugging on the wires at all and
the solder would peel off the wires. Proper joints will not
do that. [Teardown]
Next I tried several temperature ranges with the solder seal
connections and a propane torch to see what the results
would be. Would it be possible to get a good solder joint? I
used a 16 gauge wire for the benefit of better wire heating
for proper adhesion. Thicker wires take more heat.
The first try resulted in a job very similar to what was
listed earlier. A clean shrink and the solder ring collapsed
into the wire. [Good Shrink] A job most techs would be
proud of. After cutting away the heat shrink I found this
[Good Shrink 2] [Good Shrink 3] While the solder did
indeed melt and get squished into the wire by the shrinking
heat shrink the solder did not penetrate the joint or flow
well. I tried this several times with similar results each
Next was to use less heat. [Cold Shrink] The heat
shrink did its job by shrinking down and sealing to the
wire. The problem is it sealed before the solder ring
collapsed leaving an air pocket. The solder did eventually
melt but there was nothing to push it into the wire let
alone ability of the wire to get hot enough for adhesion.
[Cold Shrink 2] The result was a miserable failure.
Last I tried to get the joint hot enough for the solder to
flow properly. This can be successfully done if you don't
care about the seal. [Hot Shrink] Heat has to be kept
on the joint after the heat shrink has shrunk and the solder
ring collapsed. Otherwise the wire won't get hot enough for
adhesion and flow. [Hot Shrink 2] You can see where
there was good flow and it is shiny on the left side. The
right side was too cold, is dull and didn't flow well. not
much of a temperature difference side to side but it was
I have concluded as before that the solder seal connectors
are cold solder joints which hold the wires together for
rigidity and nothing more. Although there are probably a lot
of applications where they will work well, such as trailer
lighting, I would never use them on a circuit where voltage
drop is a critical issue, such as throttle actuator
circuits. Definitely better than a scotch lock but there are
much better options such as proper crimping and adhesive
lined heat shrink tubing or solder and adhesive lined heat
shrink tubing.
Andrew from Utah
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