Manuals 4 Sale
I have five books that are for sale.....The Ultimate Ford EFI Tuning Guide by Don LaSota(LaSota Racing Technologies 112 pages) $25 plus shipping.......Air Compressor Troubleshooting (Oil-Injected Rotary Screw Air Compressors) 140 Pages $20 plus shipping....The last 3 books deal with Mobile Hydraulics Systems...HYDRAULICS Fundamentals of Service in off- road vehicles and trucks/buses .Book is written by John Deere and Company (covers principals of hyd diagnose and test components with plenty of pics and diagrams excellent manual)$25 plus shipping.....Introduction to Closed -Loop OIL Systems by Rory McLaren (A step by step guide to understanding how closed-loop oil system functions) $25 plus shipping.....lastly How to Interpret Fluid Power Symbols by Rory McLaren (A self -tutorial on how to Interpret and read ANSI & ISO fluid power systems) $25 plus shipping .I would like to sell all Hydraulic books together $65 plus shipping if possible. Let me know if you need more info. THX JIM
James Demas ![]()
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