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1996 Nissan Quest GXE 3.0L slighly high LTFT
Posted to Asian Driveability on 3/29/2013 7 Replies

Hi Guys,

I am trying to set the base timing on this.

Alldata says to run at 2000 until warm then snap rev a couple times, then idle for a bit, then shut off, then unplug TPS then restart, then snap rev a few more times, then idle for a bit more, then set ti...

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  Related Documents & Media  1996 Nissan Quest GXE

Message Closed w/Summary

car Vehicle Data

1996 Nissan Quest GXE

Engine3.0 L / 6 cyl / GAS
Trans4-speed Automatic (Electronic)
DeliveryFuel Injection
EmissionsOBD-II Compliant
SymptomsSlighly High Ltft
Message Closed w/Summary

car Vehicle Data

1996 Nissan Quest GXE

Engine3.0 L / 6 cyl / GAS
Trans4-speed Automatic (Electronic)
DeliveryFuel Injection
EmissionsOBD-II Compliant
SymptomsSlighly High Ltft