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International Automotive Technicians Network
2005 Isuzu NPR-HD 5.2L Stall
Posted to Asian Driveability on 4/24/2013 5 Replies

thanks for any help in advance, this is for a company that we do all there gas work, dealership is a few weeks out so they are asking for our help. they put gas in the truck, drained it and replaced fuel filters, now it will start but dies out if you give it g...

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  Related Documents & Media  2005 Isuzu NPR-HD

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car Vehicle Data

2005 Isuzu NPR-HD

VIN [No VIN Available]
Engine5.2 L / 4 cyl / DIESEL
DeliveryFuel Injection
EmissionsOBD-II Compliant
Message Closed w/FIX

car Vehicle Data

2005 Isuzu NPR-HD

VIN [No VIN Available]
Engine5.2 L / 4 cyl / DIESEL
DeliveryFuel Injection
EmissionsOBD-II Compliant