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1993 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo 4.0L Hard start
Posted to Chrysler Driveability on 3/5/2013 7 Replies

I HAVE A 93 JEEP 4.0 with a hard start when cold. It is flooding out the spark plugs. When I play with the throttle I can get it to start. My question is the scantool pids ECT 30 deg. IAT 30 deg. INJ pulse width 123ms. It seems to me that the pulse width is wa...

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car Vehicle Data

1993 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo

Engine4.0 L / 6 cyl / GAS
Trans4-speed Automatic (Electronic)
DeliveryFuel Injection / FUEL PULSE RATE
SymptomsHard Start
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car Vehicle Data

1993 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo

Engine4.0 L / 6 cyl / GAS
Trans4-speed Automatic (Electronic)
DeliveryFuel Injection / FUEL PULSE RATE
SymptomsHard Start