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1975 Mercedes-Benz 280 2.8L No Start, Cuts out, Stall
Posted to European Driveability on 4/10/2013 11 Replies

This is a pretty decent old Benz but I am having a hard time tracking down where the spark is being lost. Vehicle came in with the points loose, using 17 thousandths as a base I set the points and it ran for 1 or 2 minutes then died. I see the dwell controller...

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car Vehicle Data

1975 Mercedes-Benz 280

VIN 1140601211
Engine2.8 L / 6 cyl / GAS
Trans4-speed Automatic
DeliveryCarburetion / 4bbl
Emissionsus federal
SymptomsNo Start, Cuts Out, Stall
Message Closed w/FIX

car Vehicle Data

1975 Mercedes-Benz 280

VIN 1140601211
Engine2.8 L / 6 cyl / GAS
Trans4-speed Automatic
DeliveryCarburetion / 4bbl
Emissionsus federal
SymptomsNo Start, Cuts Out, Stall