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1970 Mercedes-Benz 300SEL 6.3L Poor Idle Quality, Misfire, Poor Fuel Economy, Runs extremely rich
Posted to European Driveability on 11/16/2024 9 Replies

1970 Mercedes W109018 chassis (300SEL) with 6.3l V8, the engine is an M100981 with the old mechanical fuel injection and it runs extremely rich, so much so I had to change the oil due gas dilution. Owner is a collector, car mostly sits. I've worked on thes...

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Message Closed w/Summary

car Vehicle Data

1970 Mercedes-Benz 300SEL

VIN WDB1090181
Engine6.3 L / 8 cyl / GAS
DeliveryFuel Injection / Mechanical fuel injection
SymptomsPoor Idle Quality, Misfire, Poor Fuel Economy, Runs Extremely Rich
Misc.Mechanical Fuel Injection
Message Closed w/Summary

car Vehicle Data

1970 Mercedes-Benz 300SEL

VIN WDB1090181
Engine6.3 L / 8 cyl / GAS
DeliveryFuel Injection / Mechanical fuel injection
SymptomsPoor Idle Quality, Misfire, Poor Fuel Economy, Runs Extremely Rich
Misc.Mechanical Fuel Injection