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1977 MG Midget MK IV 1.5L Hydraulics
Posted to European PowerTrain on 3/25/2013 20 Replies

Let me start by saying that these cars are not foreign to me; I worked on them when they were new at an MG dealership. However, that was a LONG time ago. This car is difficult to shift, but only sometimes. I've only driven it a bit but probably 20% of the time...

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  Related Documents & Media  1977 MG Midget MK IV

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car Vehicle Data

1977 MG Midget MK IV

Engine1.5 L / 4 cyl / GAS
Trans4-speed Standard
ConditionsNot Disengaging Fully
Message Closed w/FIX

car Vehicle Data

1977 MG Midget MK IV

Engine1.5 L / 4 cyl / GAS
Trans4-speed Standard
ConditionsNot Disengaging Fully