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1989 Ford F-350 XL 7.3L Brakes
Posted to Ford Brakes on 11/5/2024 15 Replies

Truck has been sitting for about 15 years, fixing it to use on farm, had it towed to our shop replaced 4 glow plugs and battery's also replaced starter. Cust. wonted to make sure it would run, truck runs good has no brake padel started to bleed system no f...

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car Vehicle Data

1989 Ford F-350 XL

Engine7.3 L / 8 cyl / DIESEL
Trans5-speed Standard
DeliveryFuel Injection
ConditionsNo Padel
Message Closed w/FIX

car Vehicle Data

1989 Ford F-350 XL

Engine7.3 L / 8 cyl / DIESEL
Trans5-speed Standard
DeliveryFuel Injection
ConditionsNo Padel