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2001 Ford F-350 Super Duty XL 7.3L Surge, Cuts out, Misfire
Posted to Ford Driveability on 3/5/2013 9 Replies

geting missfire with knock sometimes pretty heavy knock this trk is maintained came in for stalling replaced cam sensor then was told about miss acts like fuel air will idle just fine at idle snap up to 2200rpm starts to miss and knock sometimes can snap to fu...

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  Related Documents & Media  2001 Ford F-350 Super Duty XL

Message Closed w/Summary

car Vehicle Data

2001 Ford F-350 Super Duty XL

VIN [No VIN Available]
Engine7.3 L / 8 cyl / DIESEL
Trans6-speed Standard
DeliveryFuel Injection / powre stroke
EmissionsOBD-II Compliant
SymptomsSurge, Cuts Out, Misfire
OccursCold, Hot, Under Load, on Accel, Cruise, Intermittently
Misc.Flatbed Dulley
Message Closed w/Summary

car Vehicle Data

2001 Ford F-350 Super Duty XL

VIN [No VIN Available]
Engine7.3 L / 8 cyl / DIESEL
Trans6-speed Standard
DeliveryFuel Injection / powre stroke
EmissionsOBD-II Compliant
SymptomsSurge, Cuts Out, Misfire
OccursCold, Hot, Under Load, on Accel, Cruise, Intermittently
Misc.Flatbed Dulley