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1999 Chevrolet Tracker 1.6L Cuts out, Stall, Misfire
Posted to GM Driveability on 3/6/2013 7 Replies

This tracker cuts out after driving about a mile from a cold soak. It will jerk and die at Idle or when accelerating hard and the rpms are over 3500. When this happens the tack drops to 0 and the mil light comes on for a split second, Then things return to nor...

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  Related Documents & Media  1999 Chevrolet Tracker

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car Vehicle Data

1999 Chevrolet Tracker

Engine1.6 L / 4 cyl / GAS
Trans5-speed Standard
DeliveryFuel Injection
EmissionsOBD-II Compliant
SymptomsCuts Out, Stall, Misfire
OccursUnder Load, on Accel, Idle, Intermittently
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car Vehicle Data

1999 Chevrolet Tracker

Engine1.6 L / 4 cyl / GAS
Trans5-speed Standard
DeliveryFuel Injection
EmissionsOBD-II Compliant
SymptomsCuts Out, Stall, Misfire
OccursUnder Load, on Accel, Idle, Intermittently