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Actively Looking for Manager jobs and is willing to relocate for the right position.
Currently responsible for the Hyundai Scanner, Knowledgebase, Shop Manual site, Hotline, and Field Engineering Staff + R2R to aftermarket.
Wrenched 11 years, Hotline 5 years, Hotline trainer 5 years, Knowledgebase technical notes creater 10 years, Managed 17 years.
Managed handheld diagnostic product support, designed many software phases for Hotline Case Management, Scanner Knowledgebase, etc.
Both in the independent and distributer environment.
Tools and Equipment
Case Management, Knowledge base, Shop Manual site & VIN history.
Senior Group Manager Dealer Technical Support
Currently Manager of Dealer handheld Scanner, Knowledgebase, Shop Manual site, Hotline, Elevated Hotline & Field Service Staff.
Also, all Right 2 Repair: Shop Manual, Scanner, Key Cutting and Telematics.
Profile last updated Aug 15, 2019.
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