The Power Crimp 707 crimper was the first power crimper with electronic digital readout to indicate gauge setting. The toughest part about using this crimper is pushing a button; within seconds you'll have a factory quality hose assembly. The PC 707 crimps most hydraulic hoses from low pressure return lines to extremely high pressure spirals, from 3/16” to 1-1/4” I.D. It also crimps straight and bent tube couplings, plus 45° and 90° block types. Finally, the PC 707 can also be adapted for use as a power swager.
- Product Number: 7480-0043 without die sets wired for 115 volts (includes die backup ring and a notched cone)
- Production Rate: 100 assemblies per hour (using 1/2” I.D., two-wire straight thread assemblies)
- Dimensions: 13” wide by 12” deep by 26-1/2” high