Mark Headley Owner/Shop Foreman at Mark's Expert Auto Service, Inc.
I don't like how it starts out by having you enter all the exact vehicle info then much of what you find isn't specific to the vehicle you're working on. The Pro-Demand has been a step backward from the previous Mitchell OD- I've used it since the multiple disc days. I liked how you could enter tech tips that show up at the heading of an issue youre working on. Now it's a convoluted mess. I rely on IdentiFix and Google more often.
Rick Walton Technician at Precision Automotive & Transmission Inc.
Agreed. I really miss the feature that allowed techs to insert highly informative information directly where it needed to be. Even now some of the old posts help immensely. Imagine if it was still used? There would be tons of helpful information by now.The Suretrack is a joke and just a waste of time. I'll go to identifix or iatn before I even look at that