Average Rating
Gregory V Martin Owner at GM Truck & Auto Service
The standard direct shop isn't very cool. You can't link it to your parts suppliers and so it's not a very good shop management program.I can't get Direct-Shop Elite in Ohio for some funky reason. Since I'v got it bundled with my-direct hit it's pretty cheap though.
Anthony Lallo Shop Foreman/Owner at Lallos Automotive
Do not bother with this software. I got tired of the shopkey problems so I gave this a try. No free trial period so we bit the bullet and signed up for a year. They rush you to get it installed and then after they transferred data over and we were online and ready, no more contact no emails no phone calls to see how you like it. Well how do I like it? It sucks all the way around. If you have used alldata or shopkey you will be lost in this mess. Read more...