Average Rating
David Hodges Jr Owner at David Hodges Jr
I have a Launch Pad II, I have been very happy with it for a couple years. It does a lot the other tools won't do, or it did. A few months ago they did some update and ever since then it fails to communicate with Chevrolet older vehicles. It will work fine on a 2018, failed on a 2011, two different 2005 years and most recently a 2006 Chevy equinox. The tool works fine on fords and several others including a BMW and a Jag. I have sent in feedback Read more...
David Kellner Owner/Technician at Dave's Auto Service
I have an x431pro. Its a bit slow that is why its not my first grab but it has good coverage and functionality for the price. It has covered some things my autel 906 or snap on could not do so it makes a good tool to complement the snap on or autel. It seems to do some extra jeep things like air suspension and the 3.0l diesel which my other tools did not cover or do a good job of. It was also able to calibrate mazda passenger seat sensor. The s Read more...
Frank Swobodzien Owner/Technical Information Specialist at Central Florida Auto Repair Inc.
The x431 pad is fast and very easy to use.Bi directional and info access is outstanding.Works real well on Euro and Asian cars with a lot of the data pids available.The updates seem to come sooner than the other scanners i have that are comparable;Autel and Touch.I have a 5 scanners as not one is good for all makes and models,so i recommend this one to supplement you tool box.

(iATN Note: At the time of review, this product was titled "X431 Pad by Launch").