
TechPRO VDS1000

2014 – Present
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2014 – Present
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Product Reviews

Adrian Cilona Owner/Technician at Mastertech Services
just started using this new investment very fast and impressive good coverages in all modules but is not a pass threw yet or iatn linked hoping that Asian and euro are very soon to come this would be awesome , was really bumbed out when I found out my autel was not updateable with out loosing info already in the software due to current law suit going on against autel so I am really banking on this tool to carry me through along with a verus,ford Read more...

(iATN Note: At the time of review, this product was titled "TechPRO by MAHLE").
Jaime Lazarus Educator/Instructor/Consultant at The Car Whisperer, LLC
I've been privileged to be beta testing one of the units and must admit - and those who know me, know it takes a lot to do this - I'm impressed! The time it takes for vehicle identification is unmatched, the speed with which the data is presented (and updated) is spectacular and the intuitive user interface has very few improvements that I can suggest.

I own the O.E. scanners that the Mahle TechPRO software covers and feel the TechPRO's Read more...

(iATN Note: At the time of review, this product was titled "TechPRO by MAHLE").

Asian Coverage Added for TechPRO Diagnostic Scan Tool by MAHLE

MAHLE Service Solutions has added coverage for Mazda and Nissan vehicles for its TechPRO® diagnostic scan tool. Software updates cover all Mazda vehicles from 2007 to 2014, plus a majority of 2003 to 2006 vehicles. Nissan coverage includes complete coverage of 2007 to 2014 vehicles. More Information
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